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Puiaki Originals

Pāua Collection


As one of the most prevalent wild/weed flowers in lawns across the world, the daisy captures our attention with is simplicity and resilience. It seems that no matter how many times you mow the flowers down across the lawn, they grow back up and even increase in numbers.

It is only upon closer inspection that the viewer will see just how many tiny white petals there are surrounding the fuzzy yellow centre. If this large collection of petals all point to the heart of the flower, I wanted to make the heart made out of pāua.

The scale of the daisy in this work is also wildly beyond reality, which provides the perfect opportunity to show off its new pāua heart.

If the humble daisy actually did have a pāua shell centre, I wonder if we would mow them down at all?

Artwork Specification


500 mm x 500 mm


Solid wooden frames with composite layers that are hand painted with acrylic and oil-based paints. Pieces of thin shell are added as inlay details, and clear epoxy resin used to provide visual emphasis.



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Treasured Designs