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Puiaki Originals

Pāua Collection

Death Star

This is one of my favourite works because it has such a lot of line detail and for any Star Wars fan this is an object of ominous scale and destruction. The Death Star was an entity to be feared by all but the bravest of rebels.

So, to add the pāua shell to the part of the Death Star from which emanates the destructive, planet killing, laser pulse, was the perfect choice.

Like the eye of the Death Star, this part of its imposing structure is now made somewhat approachable, more attractive, and a place of decoration rather than a portal of decimation.

If only all dangerous things in life could be modified to be things of beauty so quickly.

Artwork Specification


500 mm x 500 mm


Solid wooden frames with composite layers that are hand painted with acrylic and oil-based paints. Pieces of thin shell are added as inlay details, and clear epoxy resin used to provide visual emphasis.


Death Star
Death Star
Death Star

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Treasured Designs